Shin Splints

The lower leg consists of 2 bone pieces, the shinbone on the inner front and the fibula on the side back. The 2 bone pieces are connected by a strong connective tissue plate. At the bottom, the shinbone and the fibula form the bony parts of the inside and outside ankle respectively. The bone pieces are surrounded by a thin bone membrane, which is well supplied with blood and very sensitive. Think of a bump against the shins. A number of muscles originate from the lower leg. The deep calf muscle, the posterior shin muscle and the long toe flexor muscle are the most important. All these muscles play a role in the development of Shin-Splints, which involves irritation of the bone membrane at the site of attachment of the mentioned muscles to the bone. This can also be an inflammatory reaction.


It often occurs in running sports where the foot moves too much inwards (overpronation). This can be due to incorrect footwear or an incorrect foot position or foot deformity


The main complaint is pain and is usually felt on the lower half of the shinbone on the inside. The pain can also be felt lower, up to the inside ankle. Or higher, even up to the knee. The pain is sharper in character and "stitches" are indicated. The pain is felt on landing and also on push-off. Sometimes it is felt when squatting. Touching causes a lot of pain, for example when the legs are crossed. The pain can intensify at a lower walking pace. Moreover, a lower walking pace causes more complaints. Depending on the severity of the complaints, running can be continued. However, the pain is often too severe for that. Despite a period of rest, the complaints usually return if no additional treatment is initiated. Occasionally, there may be a slight superficial swelling at the site of the pain and the runner may feel a "string".


The practitioner takes all aspects of the problem into account. Not only everyday activities are discussed, but also certainly sports-specific aspects. Due to the versatility of the problem, various therapies are possible, one should think of sports insoles, shoe advice, temporary relief (insole) in combination with physiotherapy, running advice, etc.

Shin Splints